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Through on-campus lectures, small-scale workshops, and publishing opportunities, ICSCC will constitute a comprehensive and multilevel system of exchange between visiting and local scholars. ICSCC抯 Visiting Scholars Program is intended for exceptionally qualified young scholars from outside of China who are at the early or middle stages of their academic careers with a proposed focus on Chinese civilization. Successful applicants will receive support to pursue independent research while in residence at Fudan. They are expected to make at least one presentation on individual research topic and lead one workshop in collaboration with Fudan and non-Fudan faculty members and scholars. Projects funded under the program are expected to result in publications in Chinese. GUIDELINES for application Eligibility Applicants must be under 50 years of age. Applicants should have received the doctoral degree and hold a faculty position at a recognized university or be a regular member at an established research institution outside of China. Applicants should conduct research relevant to Chinese civilization, preferably traditional Chinese civilization. Budget Each year, the ICSCC invites up to 12 visiting scholars from overseas to conduct research at Fudan University for periods of 1, 3, or 6 months. Program can be extended to 1 year at the longest according to individual circumstances. The Center shall provide visiting scholars with one-time round-trip traveling expenses (standard economy-class airline price), as well as standard and reasonable living stipends and accommodations for the duration of the visit. The Center shall provide an on-campus research office with computer printing facilities, and access to books and reference materials in Fudan libraries. Research travel in mainland China may be included during the course of the program, but should be limited to no more than one-third of the total visiting period. Applicants must supply a budget statement that outlines the purpose and plan (schedule and itinerary) of the research travel as well as amounts of subsidy. The applications will be checked and approved by the ICSCC Executive Board according to relevant Fudan guidelines and policies governing research. Assignments Local liaison. Visiting scholars should collaborate with a local scholar. If the local scholar is from outside of Fudan, the Center shall arrange a Fudan scholar in a similar field of study to act as liaison. Workshop. Visiting scholars should lead one workshop in collaboration with Fudan and non-Fudan faculty members and scholars. The workshop should be no longer than one week抯 duration. Besides the organizers, each workshop opens 6-8 places for young scholars engaged in related field of research, and may invite less than 3 experienced scholars to lead the commentary, as circumstances permit. Travel expenses and room and board for workshop participants from outside the area (including oversea areas) will be covered by the ICSCC. Workshop papers may be selected by the ICSCC for translation and publication. Presentation and Final Report. Visiting scholars should make at least one presentation on individual research topic and complete one academic report on the same topic at the conclusion of the program. Report manuscript can be submitted in English or Chinese. The ICSCC will have it translated into Chinese if it is to be included in the ICSCC 揙verseas Scholars China Research series. Application Procedures The Center issues a call for proposals, and accepts applications. Then, it gathers application materials and the Executive Board begins preliminary selection, distributing applications to relevant experts for review, requiring interviews when necessary. Final acceptance decisions are made by the Academic Board based on applicants circumstances and review results. Applications should consist of the following: 1) Application cover page: project title and full contact information for applicant, including name, title, contact information (email, telephone, postal mailing address); 2) Curriculum vitae, including education background and research experience, as well as published academic achievements; 3) Description of research proposal (minimum 3000 characters if in Chinese, 5 pages, single spaced, if in English); 4) Two recommendation letters written by experts in relevant fields of study. The above application materials may be written in Chinese or English. At the moment, the Center cannot accept materials written in other languages. Timelines The ICSCC is currently accepting proposals for Visiting Scholars Program for 2012-2013. Funded activities begin as early as September, 2012. Applications should be sent by email to Ms. Chu Dandan, Program Co-ordinator, the ICSCC at Fudan. Questions about the program or the application procedures may also be directed to her. Ms. CHU Dandan Program Co-ordinator, International Center for Studies of Chinese Civilization Fudan University Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:icscc@fudan.edu.cn"icscc@fudan.edu.cn Phone: +86-21-65642020     $%&3>BEFH^nopqyz~ 用腑該瓲樣媫o樏該笭竍鴺UbhLj4CJaJnHo(tHhCJaJnHo(tHhwhMVx5乶Ho(tHhwh83+5乶Ho(tHhwCJaJnHo(tHhMVxCJaJhPCJaJnHo(tHhLj4hMVxCJaJhLj4hLj4CJaJhLj4hLj4CJaJnHo(tHhMVxCJaJnHo(tHh{qyCJaJnHo(tHhLj4hCJaJhCJaJ%^opqzd e 23:#$ & Fdhgdw 0dh`0gdwdhgdw $dha$gdw$勦dh`勦a$gdw + . 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